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Office: 2810379864 e-mail: vairis@hmu.gr [object Promise] |
Prof. Vairis has over 18 years of teaching experience in various Universities in Europe and Asia; student assessment in courses taught is performed with continuous assessment methods, like group project work, and written examinations; increasing number of courses offered in English in the Mechanical Engineering department of the TEI of Crete and the Hellenic Mediterranean University to European Union exchange students; introducing novel course on intellectual property for engineers at an undergraduate and postgraduate level
In Higher education administration, he has been Graduate admissions officer for the Department of Mechanical Engineering of SUNY Korea; Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Technological Education Institute (TEI) of Crete for 2 years; member of the Senate of the TEI of Crete for 2 years; produced a new mechanical engineering course syllabus; accrediting new mechanical engineering course with the Greek authorities; implementing quality assurance questionnaires in the internship programme; managed the joint Department of Mechanical Engineering which from 9/2013 has absorbed the previously independent Department of Civil Engineering.
Prof. Vairis has long research experience on friction welding processes with collaborations in China, the Russian Federation, the UK and Italy, which have produced joint publications on the subject. In addition research work has focused on nano-materials, modeling of complex systems and biomechanical systems, all of which have produced 69 journal papers, 63 conference papers, 1 book, 1 book chapter and 4 patents. Publications have been cited over 1380 times with an impact of an h-index of 16 and an i-10 index of 25.
Member of editorial board of Journal of Engineering Research and Technology Review, Materials Technologies Design and Applied Engineering Letters; guest editor for Advances in Materials Science and Engineering and the Journal of Engineering Research and Technology Review; reviewer for 31 scientific international journals; reviewer for research proposals in Greece, Italy, Portugal and Cyprus; reviewer for Italian research assessment (VQR); lecturing on friction welding in China, the Russian Federation and Italy.